10 Easy Model Magic Craft Project Ideas

10 Easy Model Magic Craft Project Ideas

Here’s a collection of Model Magic craft project ideas for young elementary students. The soft and sticky quality of Model Magic is perfect for hands that are just learning how to shape and create things.

Model Magic Baby Chick

Young students that might struggle with making detailed things out of clay, will most likely really enjoy working with the next best sculpture material ever — Model Magic, make by Crayola. The soft and sticky quality it has is perfect for building and attaching shapes together, and the bright colors mean there’s nothing to finish, or paint, when complete.

One of my most popular after school art classes was based around creating things out of Model Magic, and the possibilities just seemed to be endless. Scroll down to see many more.


  1. Make a large yellow ball for the body, and a small one for the head. Stick them together.
  2. Roll two little yellow balls for the wings, press them flat, and attach them to the sides.
  3. Use a tiny bit of orange for a beak.
  4. Small black balls may be used for the eyes, OR just made dots with a black Sharpie.
  5. Make a small bowl shape with white Model Magic, and use a scissors to cut the edges.
  6. Do the same with a smaller piece for the head.
  7. TIP: Make this sculpture so that it fits on the inside of a plastic drinking cup, and seal it with the cup on top. Perfect for getting it home in one piece AND looking fresh and lovely for days to come.


Model Magic Snail

Model Magic Snail diagram 1 — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips

This snail craft was inspired by a cake decoration found over on Pinterest. I love how simple it is to make something look real,  just maybe prettier colors.


1. Start with a main color of Model Magic, and mix part of it with a lot of white Model Magic.
2. Roll the mixed color to make a tall snake with one flat and one pointy end.
3. Roll the snake to make a shell.
4. Form a snail body. Attach the shell. Add small antennae.

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Model Magic Worms

sculpture ideas for kids

I found this idea under cake decorations on Pinterest, which is where I’m getting the most inspiration for my classes. A tip on making the worms stick to the board is to smash a little bit of Model Magic on it first, and then pressing the worms on top. The stuff just loves to stick to itself.

Students will need to roll lots of balls, trying to make them consecutively smaller before attaching together. The antennae are made from craft wires.

• Craft sticks, jumbo
• Scissors
• Craft glue, quick dry
• Crayola Model Magic
• Craft wire
• Clear acrylic sealer

  • Make a small board with craft sticks and glue. The cross sticks may be made with jumbo sticks cut in half.
  • Roll about 10 small balls for each worm, all progressively smaller. Press together.
  • Add white eyes with tiny black spots from the Model Magic.
  • Cut small lengths of wire, curl and insert into the head.
  • Using your fingers, firmly press a small dot of Model Magic onto craft board wherever you want your worm to sit. Place worm on top. It will keep the worms from rolling off the boards.Note: This post contains affiliate links.

Model Magic Ocean Life

Model Magic Under the Sea.jpg — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips
Underwater ocean scenes in a clamshell food container
2017 09 13 10.03.28 — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips
Another fish in a clamshell container
Model Magic Dinosaur — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips
Dinosaur in a flat top clamshell container
Model Skeleton 8 — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips
Skeleton in a spray painted watercolor tray
Dominics Piglets — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips
Momma and baby pigs on a craft stick tray
Frosty Model Magic — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips
A melting Frosty the Snowman
Model Magic Mouse Cheese.jpg — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips
Little mouse on a piece of cheese
Penguin 11 — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips
A penguin family
Charizard — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips
A talented student named Aiden made Charizar from Pokemon
Flash — Activity Craft Holidays, Kids, Tips
Flash, made by Aiden, a 4th grader

Making Food with Model Magic

model magic ideas

Originally published in artprojectsforkids.org