Is there any more iconic gift for a teacher than an apple from a grateful student? In that spirit, School Specialty is committed to showing teachers what they mean to us. That’s why each year, we open up nominations for the School Specialty Crystal Apple Award to recognize the invaluable contributions of teachers across the country.
Teachers impact the lives and touch the hearts of students every day. That passion can sometimes feel unnoticed, but you can take just a few moments today to show our teachers that we see them! Fill out the form below and tell us why your favorite teacher embodies the Crystal Apple Award criteria of inspiration, leadership, and passion.
2023 Crystal Apple Award Nomination Form
School Specialty is accepting nominations through April 2. On April 25, 10 finalists will be chosen, who will then go on to a public vote. The top 3 vote-getters from the public will receive a $500 School Specialty certificate for themselves and a $250 School Specialty certificate for their school. And, of course, that sparkling Crystal Apple Award trophy!
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People · Passion · Purpose
There are few tools as powerful as a story. That’s why, for the last 9 years, School Specialty has opened this floor to all of you to tell us a story about a teacher. And while giving out prizes and providing recognition for educators is exciting, the best part is hearing the many inspiring stories that pour in from across the country.
School Specialty’s mission is, above all else, about people. Sure, we’ve got all the supplies and resources and things that fill a classroom, but our vision is to transform more than classrooms. We’re here to engage and inspire! We’re committed to making in difference in the lives of not just students, but the many teachers who ignite young minds and influence promising futures.
The Crystal Apple Award from School Specialty is just one way for us to show teachers our respect and admiration. We want teachers to know we see you, and we’re in awe of the passion and purpose you bring to your classrooms every day!
About the Crystal Apple Award from School Specialty
Each year since its inception, our award process has stretched from the early months of the year into the beginning of May. Why the beginning of May, you ask? Because it’s our honor to present the 3 deserving winners during the first full week of May, also known as Teacher Appreciation Week!
Nominations are open for educators at all grade levels. Over the years, we’ve received nominations from students, parents, administrators, and even fellow teachers wanting to recognize their cherished colleagues. The stories we hear continue to confirm our belief that educators are some of the most passionate, selfless, and inspiring leaders in our society. So go on, tell us a story!
Clock is ticking! Get your nomination in now!
2023 Crystal Apple Award Nomination Form