For the first episode of It’s Time For Science, we traveled to the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Host Tom Racine sat down with three educators from South Carolina: Yolanda Bennett, Ed Emmer, and Felipe AndreSilva.
We couldn’t have asked for a more engaging and diverse group, and our conversation includes discussions of equity in teaching science, dealing with teacher burnout in a post-COVID world, and how science education can and should be a transdisciplinary subject involving literacy, math, social studies, and history.
These dynamic educators offer some valuable nuggets of advice at the end. Producer David Lippman also reviews the game Parks from Keymaster Games, and we ask a few NSTA conference attendees the Nerdy Question of the Day.
It’s Time for Science! To take advantage of the educator’s discount from Keymaster Games discussed in the podcast, you can email them directly at [email protected]. To get in touch with us, whether to offer some feedback, ideas for future episodes or reviews, or just to say hi, send us a message at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!
Look for School Specialty and FOSS on Twitter and Facebook. It’s Time for Science is produced by School Specialty and the Full Option Science System (FOSS) at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley.