We’ve got big news! Recently, School Specialty added SchoolKidz to our lineup of school solutions. Featuring convenient and customizable back to school supply kits, this kitting solution allows teachers to create turnkey supply kits for students specific to their classroom needs.
This program gives PTO and PTA groups a powerful fundraising tool and makes back to school shopping quick and easy for parents. And, of course, the kids get quality supplies specifically chosen by their teacher, which means students are equipped and ready to learn.
What is SchoolKidz?
The SchoolKidz mission is to help students succeed on their first day of school and all year long. As one of the first turnkey school supply kit companies, they’ve been creating and innovating a process that makes back to school shopping a breeze for families. For over 25 years, they’ve been dedicated to helping school organizations supplement funding for projects and improvements.
Fundraising Made Easy
Raising funds to support school initiatives can take a lot of time and effort. But SchoolKidz is there to guide your fundraising program from start to finish.
Teachers begin by curating their customized kits. When we receive the supply information, we’ll send you an itemized quote with our best prices.
Once the quote is approved, you can promote your fundraising campaign with our free marketing tools. We provide you with free printed order forms, parent letters, reminder flyers, e-blast suggestions, social media posts, sample display kits, and posters.
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When parents are ready to buy, they can visit our online portal, which makes ordering quick and easy. And then you’re done! Once the order is closed, we’ll build the kits and deliver them. Those who participate will have everything they need on day one!
Learn More: SchoolKidz Back to School Supply Kits
Getting Kitting Started
While it’s never too early or too late, the end of the school year is the best time to start a SchoolKidz campaign to maximize your success rate. Parents appreciate getting back to school shopping out of the way before summer, which makes your fundraiser a convenient option.
Plus, a SchoolKidz program requires no minimum orders and there are no contract fees or penalties if you don’t sell any kits. From teachers to parents and students, everyone wins when fundraising with SchoolKidz supply kits.
School Specialty is always looking for new ways to help by providing unique and innovative solutions like SchoolKidz supply kits. We want to give you the tools to remove obstacles from education so teachers can teach, parents can parent, and students can learn, on the first day and all year long!
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Read More About the SchoolKidz Acquisition