Classroom Select® for All Learning Environments
Back to school prep is easy with School Specialty® and Classroom Select. Our design and learning environment experts have offered some top picks from several areas within our huge assortment of classroom furniture. Let’s start with soft seating!
Soft Seating
Student Work Areas
While soft seating is great for some projects, as well as sensory and brain breaks throughout the day, other projects require a more traditional workspace. But that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort! Classroom Select offers many options for individual settings, group settings, or individual pieces that can be used independently or easily linked together for collaboration.
Also Read : Asthma & Sports – Managing Your Athlete’s Symptoms | MomDocs
That’s lunch! Okay, not just lunch. Cafeteria spaces can serve many purposes, and our product selection reflects that versatility. If you’re unsure where or how to start, contact our Projects by Design® team and let our experts help you design an engaging cafeteria space your students will love!
Science Labs
Our selection of activity tables is suitable for most learning environments, but the science lab presents different challenges. We’re here to meet those challenges with our versatile hybrid science tables. For the more demanding science lab, look for a science table with a ChemGuard Top to protect from heat and chemical spills.