It’s Time for Science Podcast Episode 5: Taking Science Education Outside

It’s Time for Science Podcast Episode 5: Taking Science Education Outside

It’s Time for Science—outdoors! At the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) conference in Atlanta, host Tom Racine interviewed two amazing educators about the importance of going outside when you teach.

Episode Guests

Autumn Rivera

Autumn Rivera, the 2022 Colorado Teacher of the Year and a Finalist for National Teacher of the Year, discusses the importance of taking kids outside and on day trips to local areas. She talks about the power of science to integrate disciplines across the school and how to work with other curriculum areas. We also chat about teacher burnout and strategies to help both teachers and students recover after the pandemic.

Andrea Burrows

Then it’s Andrea Burrows’ turn! Ms. Burrows is an award-winning science teacher in Santa Clara, California, with many years of classroom experience. She talks about focusing on exploring the outdoors of your local area to give students a real-life context of how science affects us all. She also touches on how garden programs in schools can be impactful, as well as the importance of teacher leadership and connecting with other teachers across all disciplines.

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Game Review with David Lippman

Finally, producer David Lippman reviews the game Photosynthesis from Blue Orange Games.

It’s Time for Science! To get in touch with us, whether to offer some feedback, ideas for future episodes or reviews, or just to say hi, send us a message at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

Look for School Specialty and FOSS on Twitter and Facebook. It’s Time for Science is produced by School Specialty® and the Full Option Science System (FOSS®) at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley.

Originally published in