Understanding Dental Insurance & HSA Funds | MomDocs

Understanding Dental Insurance & HSA Funds | MomDocs

Dental insurance can work differently than standard medical insurance since it’s focused on covering the cost of preventative care. Because of these nuances, it’s helpful to know how your HSA can tie in as well. HSAs work differently from most health insurance plans in that they operate much like a savings plan. Each plan is different, so it’s important to know how yours works in order to avoid surprise bills. One of the great things about HSAs is that they can allow you to go to your favorite dentist, even if that dentist is out of network. HSAs can be a great way to enable you to visit all of your preferred providers. If you have questions about how your favorite dentist can fit into your health plan, be sure to ask about your options with the front desk staff.

Originally published in childrensmd.org