Move over, astrology. Human Design has become one of the most popular foundations for uncovering your personality, knowing how you function daily and your authentic desires.
Human Design is your path to deeper self-awareness, understanding, success and fulfillment in life. But what is Human Design, exactly?
Have you ever felt as though your dreams were locked up somewhere and you didn’t have the key? Perhaps you’ve been waiting for a promotion or have continuously found yourself on one wrong date after another. If so, it may be time to consider what’s going on, according to your Human Design chart.
Consider Human Design your personalized framework with which you were born, allowing you to achieve your manifesting potential.
Understanding your Human Design, you can leverage your innate strengths and abilities to bring your manifestations to fruition. Consider it a personalized framework with which you were born, allowing you to achieve your manifesting potential.
You can utilize your Human Design outcomes to better understand how you manifest things and align your thoughts and actions with your type. You’ll be able to navigate any curveball life throws and still get everything you ever wanted.
Want to read more on manifesting first? Start here
In this article, you will find an overview of Human Design, how to find your type, and how to use your chart to create the life you seek.
What Is Human Design?
Many people have heard the term, but many still don’t know exactly what Human Design is.
Ra Uru Hu — born Robert Allan Krakower, a former advertising executive — founded Human Design in 1987 after the death of Supernova 1987A. Following the event, he claimed to hear a divine voice, from which he wrote a comprehensive manual for understanding this new self-knowledge system.
According to Human Design expert Annabelle Blythe, the system integrates Myers-Briggs, astrology, the chakra system, I’Ching, Kabbalah, quantum physics and genetics to generate one’s BodyGraph — also known as the energetic blueprint. Each individual’s BodyGraph reveals your unique gifts and how you live and interact in the world.
The Human Design system integrates Myers-Briggs, astrology, the chakra system, I’Ching, Kabbalah, quantum physics and genetics to generate your unique energetic blueprint.
With your genetic code in hand, you can improve your life and understand why you behave or feel a certain way. Human Design allows you to make more informed decisions based on who you are and your beliefs.
You also gain a deeper awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, learning to leverage them effectively and improve your relationships.
While it’s been all the buzz lately, the framework isn’t new. However, while no evidence is available to speak truthfully about whether Human Design works, those with an open mind can learn much about themselves by looking up their chart . . .
Get the book The Definitive Book of Human Design by Ra Uru Hu
There Are 5 Human Design Types:
The results of generating your energetic blueprint will indicate one of five Human Design types. Each shapes a person’s life in a specific way, highlighting a particular path toward self-discovery.
You will likely agree with much of the information shared. Other details will bring about a new awareness of yourself.
Human Design allows you to make more informed decisions based on who you are and your beliefs.
As one can expect, you will feel your best when living in alignment with your Human Design type. When you’re out of alignment, you can expect to feel disappointed, resentful, frustrated, hopeless, and/or bitter.
Your chart results will come back with one of the following five Human Design types.
1. Generator
Generators are the life force of Human Design, often referred to as movers and shakers, builders and problem solvers. They typically live in the present and feel connected to their beliefs and values.
These types feel more energized when doing what they love. Conversely, they tend to feel drained and unhappy when doing things because they are supposed to or because they can.
2. Manifestor
Manifestor types take action and work to make a positive difference in the world. They tap into their energies and strategize ways to perform well. Their stronghold over others and their surroundings gives them a feeling of authority and independence.
These individuals inspire others toward a shared pursuit or vision. However, they do so cautiously, understanding how each move could have repercussions. Regardless, they have the ability to transform their hopes and dreams into reality.
3. Manifesting Generator
Manifesting Generators possess both Generator and Manifestor qualities. They are hard workers and highly focused while taking the initiative to get things done.
These individuals are master multitaskers with ample energy and wide-ranging capabilities. They require activities and professions they find interesting to stay productive and engaged. Ignoring what they love — which happens quickly — can hinder their well-being, depleting them.
4. Projector
Projectors are receptive to the world around them, from people to their environment. These Human Design types attract others’ attention. As a result, others are more keen to accept their feedback and ideas.
Among their most significant challenges is breaking the conditioning they grew up with. However, they can better manage burnout, resentment and fatigue once they achieve this. Patience is critical, though, as deconditioning occurs over a long period of time.
5. Reflector
As the rarest of the Human Design types, Reflectors have a knack for reading the room — this includes other individuals’ energies. These unique types search for an ideal place to exist, surrounded by supportive people. They often weave themselves into their environment, taking a comfortable position in the background.
On the surface, Reflectors are very much like empaths — absorbing the emotions and happenings of others. Yet, unlike empaths, Reflectors have an innate resistance built up, ensuring they don’t become overwhelmed by what isn’t theirs.
Interested in learning more about each of these Human Design types? You can read about them here.
How to Discover Your Human Design
You must first determine your energetic blueprint. Several Human Design chart generators are available for free online, such as the International Human Design School, Jovian Archive, My Human Design and myBodyGraph.
For the most accurate results, you must dig up your birth certificate or call your parents because Human Design forms require your birth date and exact time of birth. They will also ask you for your birth location to determine the correct time zone.
Upon first glance, you may want to close out the tab . . . your BodyGraph (literally, the graph of your body with all the connected numbers and symbols overlayed) results will appear too complicated to read and digest. Fear not – there will usually be an abridged overview on the side of the screen.
For instance, you’ll first notice your Human Design type. From there, you might see other interesting aspects of your unique blueprint, such as the following:
Definition: How your Human Design energies connect
Design sense: How you recognize and understand your internal thoughts, emotions, feelings and intuitions
Digestion: The way you embody and process physical and emotional experiences
Environment: The external conditions impacting your well-being (for instance, someone with a mountain environment type might feel best with panoramic views and open spaces)
Inner authority: How you make decisions based on individual energies
Motivation: What motivates your decisions and actions — fear, need, desire, hope, guilt and innocence
Not-self theme: The feeling you get when you’ve fallen out of alignment with your true nature based on your Human Design
Perspective: Your way of experiencing and deciphering the world around you
Profile: Your perception of yourself — who you believe yourself to be and what you identify with
Signature: The indicators of your wellbeing or metrics for happiness when living in alignment with your Human Design
Strategy: How you interact with and respond to external stimuli
Most Human Design chart generators allow you to download your complete blueprint for a fee, offering a more in-depth understanding of your energetic makeup. Otherwise, you can inquire about your results with an expert in Human Design, or continue your own research to learn more.
Now That You Have the Basics – Let’s Explore Human Design and Manifestation
Manifestation is a spiritual practice of turning your thoughts into things — also known as the law of attraction.
For example, if you focus on your dream partner’s positive physical, mental and emotional traits, you’ll attract an ideal relationship.
Naturally, your Human Design type suggests the correct way to manifest abundance, from relationships to your ideal career to your home life. When studying your Human Design chart, you’ll either be a specific or nonspecific manifestor:
Specific: You have very detailed goals about what you want, how much you want of it, when you want it and how you intend to get it.
Nonspecific: Your goals are more generic, meaning you give the universe leeway in providing your manifestations.
A specific manifestor might manifest the exact profit they want to make or where they want to travel during a particular time frame. Your natural energy can even inspire a journey to a specific place based on your heart’s desire for memory-making and creativity.
Likewise, a nonspecific manifestor might simply want more income or have an idea of the type of person they want to marry. Of course, the universe might send the unexpected to you, which could be an exciting change of events . . .
In other words, specific vs. nonspecific is not a matter of right vs. wrong. It’s simply a matter of determining which type of manifestor you are. More on that below!
Your Perspective Type: Are You a Specific or Nonspecific Manifestor?
Although your Human Design type is essential to understanding your hopes and dreams, your Perspective type is what matters most.
Look at your chart and spot the two arrows on the right-hand side of your head. If the bottom arrow points left, you’re a specific manifestor. A left-pointing arrow indicates you’re a nonspecific manifestor. Right-pointing indicates you are a specific manifestor.
Knowing this information helps you direct your energy more efficiently toward what you want to attract. It also encourages more precise communication with the universe and sounder decision-making for embodying your goals.
Some find it easier to remain open to unlikely opportunities, too. These outcomes may be even more fulfilling than what you initially manifested for yourself.
Human Design vs. Enneagram? Learn About the 9 Enneagram Personality Types Here
How to Manifest + Accomplish Using Your Human Design
If you’ve made it this far, well done! You are ready to apply what you’ve learned about what human design is, your specific blueprint, and now you’re ready to apply it to manifesting.
Anyone can manifest something for themselves, regardless of their Human Design or Perspective type (specific or nonspecific manifestor). At its core, manifestation entails thinking about something repeatedly and taking steps toward it until it becomes your reality.
There are endless possibilities for manifestation, including getting a job promotion, making new friends, improving family relationships, having a baby, achieving financial well-being, bettering your health and traveling.
Specific manifestors may have the itch to visit a wellness retreat in Bali in April or May. A nonspecific manifestor may simply manifest calmer days with less anxiety.
While envisioning your desire is undoubtedly a cornerstone of manifestation, the universe will only deliver if you think positively. The law of attraction adopts present-tense “I am” statements so you can better visualize yourself with the outcome.
Whether a specific or nonspecific manifestor, here are a few practical ways to boost your manifestation pursuits:
- Set an intention for your manifestation during yoga and meditation
- Create a vision board so you can depict what it is you want
- Cultivate gratitude to magnify positivity and shift your perspective on difficult situations
- Write “I am” manifestations in a journal — some write them down several times daily
- Work with crystals for manifesting your goals according to their metaphysical properties
- Repeat affirmations in the present tense
- Step outside your comfort zone or routines, such as occasionally taking an alternate route home from work
- Think about your manifestations before bed to make them part of your subconscious thoughts
- Leave your manifestations on sticky notes around your home as a reminder
Even nonspecific manifestors should somewhat hone in on their goals — although they’ll always put more trust in the universe to fulfill the specifics for them. You can use your Human Design to move in accordance with your gut.
It’s essential to remember that manifesting isn’t magic. Reflecting on your wants provides clarity, but you must put in the work to reach your goals.
For example, you should register with a dating app as you manifest your soulmate. Also, don’t be afraid to seek different opportunities or ask for a raise if you want to move up the career ladder or obtain a higher salary.
Manifest Your Desires and Accomplish Your Goals Through Human Design
Although a comprehensive depiction of yourself — and you may recognize many self-truths in your report — Human Design doesn’t hold all of life’s answers. Instead, use your Human Design chart as a deeper awareness of who you are as a way of helping you live your best life.
With regard to manifestation, you can learn how you manifest your goals more effectively by understanding your unique energy. There is so much value and insight in knowing yourself, and the Human Design system allows you to do precisely that. In turn, you’ll be better equipped to make your dreams a reality in alignment with your authentic self.